A Positive Path For Spiritual Living




190 Oglesby Bridge Rd
Conyers, GA 30013


Unity Church of Rockdale Church is an inviting, casual venue for any intimate wedding ceremony.

The sanctuary has spacious, comfortable seating for forty participants. It has a spacious platform area for the wedding party. The sound system is clear and includes multiple mics. Recording the service is an option and can be put on Facebook live.

If an outdoor wedding is what you desire, our co-ministers can perform the ceremony at your choice of location.

Potential Couples:

Please call Unity Church of Rockdale Church and request an application form.

The minister(s) will review your information and contact you. A counseling session will be set up between you and the minister(s). It is important for both parties to be present at this meeting. If the minister(s) chooses other sessions could be scheduled.

At this time, the minister(s) will discuss with you the style and approach you want during your service. During this process, the minister(s) will share Bible verses, quotes, poems, and any other suggestions to make your wedding personalized for you. If you have any special words you want included in the service please bring them with you.

The minister(s) will discuss the order of service, the wedding party, and any other particulars for the event.

This is your day. Our goal is to make this a blessed and memorable day for you and your families. Feel free to ask any and all questions.

Church Fees – $150.00, which includes a $100 non-refundable deposit.*(Non-members only)

*Wedding date and rehearsal date will not be confirmed until deposit is received. Balance is due one month before the date of the wedding. At this time, please also include the stipend for the minister performing the ceremony, made payable to the minister. The stipend is $175.00. Also, please include the stipend for the custodian, $50.00.

Rehearsals must start and end promptly at the appointed time to avoid conflict with other scheduled church activities. Please notify the coordinator with number of children in the wedding party and/ or if childcare is needed (additional charge).

The minister can answer all questions relating to logistics and special requests. Unity Church of Rockdale Church is flexible and wants this to be your day!

Thank you for utilizing our services. Unity Church of Rockdale Church is in compliance with the ADA.

Unity Church of Rockdale Church strives to make Your wedding special. You may call the office at 770-922-6489 to make an appointment for a consultation and to schedule your wedding and make it the special day you deserve!

The ministers can discuss and recommend reliable and competent:

  • Florists
  • Caterers
  • Musicians, and soloists

to help create that perfect day.

Every wedding includes: Sanctuary, foyer

  • Sound system.

Please discuss Reception area possibilities with minister(s).