What is prayer? Prayer is our divine connection with God.
How do we pray?
We open our minds and hearts to the Truth by turning within to that Presence of God we call our Divinity. We can speak our prayers, think our prayers, dance our prayers, and/or sing our prayers. The Oneness we experience through prayers strengthens that inner calling for something more in our lives. When we take time to pray we shift our consciousness. In doing so, we tap into that critical mass that is on a spiritual journey for our highest good. We join together through prayer to make a difference in not only our lives, but in the world.
Prayer is not begging, demanding, or beseeching of what you do not have, but an affirmative recognition of all there is in the world. When we open up to the abundance of this earth, we know that our prayer is answered for our highest good. We wait knowing that the best is yet to come.
“Prayer, communion with God within, realization, awakens spiritual consciousness and develops true spiritual character.” Atom Smashing Power of mind by Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity.
“Prayer is natural to humanity, and it should be cultivated in order to round out our character. Prayer is the language of spirituality; when developed, it makes humanity master in the realm of creative ideas.” Christian Healing by Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity.
Not my will, but thine, be done, prayed Jesus. (Luke 22:42)
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8.