A Positive Path For Spiritual Living




190 Oglesby Bridge Rd
Conyers, GA 30013

Every Tuesday at Noon Rev. Francie and Rev. Warren pray over the prayer request.  We continue to pray over the request for 30 days and then send them to Silent Unity where they pray over them for 30 days.  At Noon on Wednesdays please take a moment, no matter where you are, to lift in consciousness each and every request.

Unity was founded on prayer. Healing Prayer is the basic tenet. Affirmative prayer is the highest form of creative thought. Prayer includes the release of negative thoughts, as well as affirming statements of Spiritual Truth. We pray knowing that our prayers are answered resulting in our highest good. When we pray, we hold the Truth for you. The Truth is perfect health, wholeness, peace, understanding, order, release or letting go, and love. Your highest good is unfolding.

Through meditation we connect with God. We center on the Truth that we are One with the Presence and Power of the energy that moves in and through us as God. When we take time in the Silence we connect through our Christ Nature. It is in the awareness of the Christ connection we receive Divine Ideas. We choose how to manifest these Ideas in our lives.

Prayer Chaplains and Wellness Call Team

Prayer Chaplains

“Whenever two or more of you are gathered in my name, there I AM in the midst of you.” Matthew 18:20

Unity was founded on prayer. One of the key aspects of any ministry is the presence of a Prayer Chaplain program that is spiritually committed to reaching out in prayer and support to the congregation.

At Unity Church of Rockdale we have a team of seven Prayer Chapalins within our own spiritual family. It is Unity Church of Rockdale vision to have the Prayer Chaplain Program play an important and key role in helping the Ministers meet the needs of our congregation. Prayer Chaplains are not Ministers however, they are trained as a lay resource to help meet the pastoral care needs of our congregation, our Unity Church of Rockdale family.

This is a unique act of service that differs from many of the other volunteer opportunities in terms of the spiritual commitment you bring. The following information helps define the Unity Church of Rockdale Prayer Chaplain Program.

A Unity Church of Rockdale Prayer Chaplain is:

  • Able to PRAY. They are willing to pray with others.
  • Able to listen. They are willing to listen to others and can hold what is heard in confidence.
  • Able to hold spiritual space. They are willing to hold sacred space (a place of consciousness in the Oneness of God).
  • Able to support everyone on their spiritual journey.
  • Committed to serving 1 to 2 Sundays per month to pray one-on-one with congregants after Sunday service.
  • Able to attend 1 hour monthly team meetings for spiritual support, check-in, and to complete monthly report form.
  • Be willing to attend a mandatory training for Prayer Chaplains.
  • Be willing to make monthly wellness calls to assigned congregants.
  • Be willing to maintain a personal prayer life.
  • Be willing to make hospital/home visits when Ministers cannot.
  • Be a member of Unity Church of Rockdale or willing to attend the next new member’s classes.

If you are willing to make a commitment to Unity Church of Rockdale to serve as a Prayer Chaplain, then we are honored to accept you as an invaluable part of this ministry. We thank you in advance for your time and commitment. Unity Church of Rockdale is blessed to have you to serve us.

Wellness Call Team

You are an extension of the ministers. You are partners with the Prayer Chaplains and an invaluable part of this ministry. Your position is a blessing to the congregation, the Unity Church of Rockdale family.

What is it that a Wellness Calls Team member does?

A Wellness Calls Team member calls or emails 5 to 8 congregants per month.

A Wellness Calls Team member checks-in with the congregant and/or family to see how their life is going.

A Wellness Calls Team member provides a listening ear.

A Wellness Calls Team member extends openness and acceptance without judgment.

And most importantly, A Wellness Calls Team member asks the congregant if they have a prayer request and they offer a prayer.

These are not counseling sessions, giving advice, nor, discussing your own personal problems.

They are a positive way to connect with each other, to build friendships, and to share with the Co-Ministers and/ or Chaplains any requests or concerns that the congregant might want the Co-Ministers and/or to know about.

You are reaching out in support and in the Oneness that we all express. Thank you in advance for serving in this capacity.

Abundant Blessings,

Anna Andes, LUT, Chaplain

Rev Francie and Rev Warren Potter

Prayer Requests

Feel free to fill out a prayer request on your way into the sanctuary or after service. Or use the space below to send a request.

Every Wednesday at Noon your prayers of need or of gratitude are prayed over and we continue to pray over them for 30 days here at Unity Church of Rockdale before they are sent to Silent Unity, Unity Village where they are prayed over 24 hours a day for the next 30 days. Wherever you are you can stop for a moment at noon and join us in prayer as we spiritually connect with the 11 am CT prayer service being held in Silent Unity Chapel at Unity Village, MO. Or you can join us here at noon in the sanctuary of Unity Church of Rockdale for a silent prayer service.
If you or a family member has experienced a need for prayer, please notify the church by email or phone. Our Ministers are available to pray with you and they must be made aware of the need. 770-922-6489

Rev Warren and Rev Francie are available for prayer and one-on-one Spiritual Counseling. Please feel free to call the church for an appointment: 770-922-6489.

If you need immediate prayer, day or night, please call Silent Unity, Unity’s Worldwide Prayer Ministry at 800-669-7729. Prayer is continuous at Silent Unity!